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association branches

Association Branches

If you wish to form a Branch of The Queen's Regimental Association, in the first instance please get in touch with the Association Secretary, Alasdair Goulden by completing the Contact Form ›

To open an Affiliated Branch, please see the page here »

Association Contacts

The President or The Secretary Queen's Regimental Association, C/O RHQ PWRR, HM Fortress Tower of London, London EC3N 4AB

1 Queens branch

1 Queen's Branch

1 QUEENS BranchThe 1 QUEENS Branch meets on an ad hoc basis and all past members of the Queen’s Regiment, or their associate Regiments are very welcome to attend any event. The annual reunion will be held on the weekend of the Spring Bank Holiday. All are welcome to attend. Details are posted on the 1 QUEENS Branch website. For more details of the branch please contact: Steve Parsons: Email: Please use contact form »

Albuhera Branch

Albuhera Branch

Based in Spain but encompasses all members who wish to join who live in Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar. For more details contact:
Chairman - Steve Wall, Partida Barranquet 40, 03792 Parcent, Alicante, Spain Mobile: +447958 596 598 - email: steve.wall@hotmail.co.uk

chichester branch

Chichester Branch

ChichesterThe Chichester Branch meets on the last Wednesday of each month at 7.30 pm in the City Club, North Pallant, Chichester. They hold an annual Albuhera Dinner and always march with their Standard at the Chichester Remembrance Day parade. For more details of the branch, please check the website or contact:
Chairman - Dave Tilley - Email: davetilley47@hotmail.com
Eddie Drew: - Tel: 01243 866887 Email: edwindrew@btinternet.com

East Kent Branch

East Kent Branch

East Kent BranchThis branch is part of both Regimental Associations and welcomes everyone who served in the Queen’s, PWRR and Forebear regiments.


East Surrey BranchEast Surrey Regiment

The branch meets on a monthly basis at the Union Jack Club in London and hold an annual dinner. For more details please contact:
Chairman - Ken Bowden: - Tel 07714 844069 Email: kjbowden@icloud.com FRIMLEY AND CAMBERLEY CADET CORPS

The Frimley and Camberley Cadet Corps, which started over 100 years ago, rebadged back to the Queen’s Regiment and continues to parade with the Queen’s Colour. Boys and girls, from a variety of backgrounds, aged 6 to 13, are instructed by volunteer staff in their personal development based upon military procedures and discipline. Their HQ is at Caird Hall, Camberley. They are fully self-funding as they are not supported by the Army, Army Reserve or ACF.

For more details of when they meet and how to get involved please contact:
Nigel Ferris 1 Ffordd Dol y Coed, Llanharan, Pontyclun, CF72 9WA Email: nigelferris21@outlook.com- Mobile: 07836 726236

Horsham BranchHorsham Branch

The Horsham Branch meet four times a year at the Horsham Cricket Club.  For 2022 our dates are 7 March, 16 May (for Albuhera), 5 September and 5 December.  We hold other events during the year and our main effort for 2022 will be the commemoration of the 41st Anniversary of the Presentation of Colours to the 6th/7th Battalion at Chichester Cathedral on Saturday 23 July 2022. For more details of membership and events please contact:
Chairman – Colin Hurd ckh494@outlook.com
Secretary – Jonathan Purdy j.purdy1@btopenworld.com

Isle of Thanet BranchThe Isle of Thanet Branch

Isle of ThanetThe Branch meets at the Royal British Navy Association (RNA) Club, 9 Church Street Hill, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 8RA on the first Saturday of every month at 1800hrs for a branch meeting, social get together, drinks and fund raising. Teams is used for members who can’t attend in person. We also hold an Albuhera Dinner on the 16th May each year; hold a social event along with the RNA for the Glorious First of June 1794 and an Annual Dinner in November. We will also be holding a QUEENS and PWRR Breakfast RV, and Branch Social RVs. Please see the branch Facebook page for upcoming dates and timings. Former members of the QUEENS, PWRR, forbear regiments, Armed Forces or serving personal are welcome to join us. For more details please contact: Secretary - Kev Minnis: Email: QRARamsgate@outlook.com

london branch, queens and pwrr association

London Branch of The Queen's and PWRR Associations

The two London Branches of the Associations have a combined branch and meet informally quarterly. In addition, the branch meetsat Twickenham for the Army vs Navy match and after the Cenotaph Parade on Remembrance Sunday. All pastmembers of the Queen’s, PWRR or their forebear regiments are very welcome to attend any event. For more details of the branch please contact:
Chairman - Kevin Hibbert Email: Kevinhibbert75@yahoo.com
Secretary: Adrian de Villiers Email adrian.devilliers@hotmail.co.uk Tel 07847 780103.

Middlesex BranchMiddlesex Branch

The Middlesex Branch consider themselves the senior local branch of the Queen’s Regimental Association, having formed in 1985. We currently have around 100 members. Most of our events are held in the Army Reserve Centre, Edgware, Middlesex currently home to B Company 4 PWRR, with whom we have a close relationship. Our functions include a New Year’s Luncheon, a formal regimental dinner to commemorate the Battle of Albuhera in May, an annual battlefield tour in the summer and various remembrance services in November. We also hold a monthly breakfast club which is very popular. Membership includes access to our Facebook group ‘Albuhera Company’ as well as receiving our excellent newsletter ‘Dispatches’ which is sent out three times a year

If you are interested in joining the branch, please contact the Secretary email:
Chairman - Trevor Canton Tel: 020 8368 0407 Email: queensman67@outlook.com

Queensman Lodge 2694Queensman Lodge 2694

Queensman Lodge 2694 is a Freemasons Lodge within the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London and also a member of the Circuit of Services Lodges. Membership is open to all members of forebear regiments, QUEEMS,, PWRR, Queen’s Division andany attached personnel. Membership application is by being proposed and seconded, and by interview.For full details please visit the website or contact:
John Edwards Tel: 01462 834 134 Email: johnedwards518@sky.com

Website: www.queensmanlodge.co.uk

Corps of Drums Queen's Regimental Association Corps of Drums

Corps of DrumsThe QRA Corps of Drums meets on a regular basis and perform for the benefit of the Queen’s Regiment Benevolent Fund.

To join contact:Tony Philpott or Amy Holden Tel: 01843 491 962
Email: qracorpsofdrums@yahoo.co.uk

QRRAThe Queen's Regimental Riders Association (QRRA)

The QRRAThis Branch is open to all ex-members of The Queen’s Regiment, PWRR and forebear regiments who own and ride a motorbike or trike.

For more details please use the Contact Form on the QRRA website


PWRR Golf SocietyPWRR Golf Society (QRA Branch)

We are the original Queens Regimental Golfing Association. Upon amalgamation we morphed into the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment Golfing Society. Our home has always been Canterbury Golf Club and we still play annually for all the cups and trophies associated with The Queen’s Regiment .New members of all abilities are most welcomed, just call for a membership form, and come and play.

For more details please contact the two Queensmen currently running the Society:
Captain: Dave Body: Email: d-body@sky.com
Secretary: Tony Harwood Email: ice501@btopenworld.com


The Branch meets at the New Telegraph Club, Priory Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2AS and they meet every 2nd Wednesday on alternate months starting in January. For more details please contact:
Chairman - John Grinham: Email: John@grinham.me.uk  Tel: 0776 5673262
Secretary - Barry Crocker: Email:barrycrocker@hotmail.co.uk   Tel: 01732 366048

Wessex BranchWessex Branch

The Queen’s Regimental Association in Wessex, known as the Wessex Branch, meets on an ad hoc basis in the Salisbury area. For more details of membership and any events please contact: Secretary – Major Anthony (Billy) Bolton Mob: 07530 429 926 Email: Queensmen1661@gmail.com

West Surrey, Farhman BranchWest Surrey (Previously Farnham Branch)

The West Surrey Branch meets every third Tuesday at the Farnham TA Centre, Guildford Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 9QB and all past members of the Queen’s Regiment or their associate Regiments are very welcome. For more details of the branch, please contact:
Chairman – Bob Hill: Tel: 01276 501644 – Email: bobhill@sky.com
Secretary - Dick Scales: Tel: 07530 690861- Email: dsl9421@gmail.com
Treasurer – Mrs Sharon Scales Tel: 01962 826088- Email: sturner@biopharma.co.uk .

For more details of when they meet and how to get involved please contact: Nigel Ferris 13 Jesse Close, Yateley, Hampshire GU46 6AH Email: nigel@fdi-european.com - Mob: 07836 726 236 website: www.fccc.uk

Non Affiliated Groups but which have contact with ex-members of the Regiment

QUEEN’S ROYAL SURREYS Secretary - Dee Hutchison – Email Fosim@btconnect.com

FRIENDS OF THE QUEEN’S OWN BUFFS REGIMENT www.friendsofthebuffs-rekr.com

THE ROYAL SUSSEX ASSOCIATION Chairman – Barry Lane – Email: barry.lane@uwclub.net Secretary – Ian Smith – Email: iansmithbn1@gmail.com




1 Queen's Branch
1 Queen's Branch



Chichester Branch
chichester branch


Chichester Branch



Horsham Branch
Horsham Branch


Horsham Branch



Queensman Lodge 2694
Queensman Lodge 2694


Queensman Lodge 2694


The Wessex Branch
Wessex Branch


First Day Cover

Commemorative Plate